Monthly Archives: November 2019

How Do We Love Sprinters? Let Us Count The Ways

Sprinter Vans have a cult following, and there are so many reasons why. At I-70 Auto Service in Kansas City, we have the honor to service and repair several Sprinter Vans. Over the years, we have grown to love and appreciate everything about these versatile vehicles. How do we love Sprinter Vans? Let us count the ways... Sprinter Vans are customizable. When you consider all the drivetrain and engine options, plus the various body styles, wheelbases, floor types (metal, plastic, wood) and roof heights, Sprinter Van owners have more than 1,700 potential variants of the 2019 model. It’s mind-blowing how many options you have to choose from when ordering your very own Sprinter Van. Sprinter Vans look classy. Maybe it is because we have a longstanding affection for the Mercedes logo, but these vehicles have a beautiful aesthetic. The front end has a nice shape, and you wouldn’t feel embarrassed about pulling up in a Sprinter Van when you’ve been invited to a cocktail par ... read more