Category Archives: Road Trip Ideas

Love Song For A Jalopy: In Praise Of Holding Onto An Old Car

Love Song For A Jalopy: In Praise Of Holding Onto An Old Car

  For many of us, our cars have a special place in our heart, as we can’t seem to get rid of them, no matter how they get or how many miles they may have. And at I-70 Auto Service, because of our abilities to keep cars running in tip-top shape for as long as you desire, we have decided to celebrate our love for jalopys, or a car that that is way past their prime, with a few song suggestions. Here are 10 love songs for the Jalopy in your life: “Cars” by Gary Numan“Get Out of My Dreams, Get Into My Car” by Billy Ocean&ldquo ... read more


Road Trip Ideas

Essentials for a Road Trip with your Family

Essentials for a Road Trip with your Family

Family road trips are ripe with opportunity for creating happy memories, but can also quickly become a catastrophe if when you’re not prepared! The hot summer sun has been known to inspire cranky attitudes among even the calmest kids, and when the kids call for every single rest stop from point A to B, it can be taxing on the driver and extend the trip by hours! At I-70 Auto Service, we like to be prepared for anything! So we’ve come up with a list of essentials for what to bring, plan, and prepare on your family’s next big road trip! What to Bring There are a thousand and one things you could pack into the family van and hope for the best. We’ve narrowed it down for you to a few absolute must-haves for the car. First off, bring sunscreen. Driver’s side arm burn can be a pain for anyone exposed. On top of that, if you’re planning any rest stops or beach stops along the way, you want to have some sunscreen on hand. The last thing any ... read more


Road Trip Ideas

Great Ideas for July Summertime Road Trips

Great Ideas for July Summertime Road Trips

July is a popular time for summertime road trips. With the kids on summer vacation and an opportunity to spend quality time with the family, it’s a great time to hit the road. Here are some of the most popular summertime road trips from the Kansas City region: Omaha, Nebraska -- Approximate drive time from Kansas City = 3 hours Omaha is the perfect day trip destination. It has a popular zoo, museums, parks, and shopping, Omaha has something for everyone. St. Louis, Missouri -- Approximate drive time from Kansas City = 4 hours St. Louis is another popular day trip destination for many Kansas City area residents. With its world famous Gateway Arch, zoo, science centers, breweries, sporting events, and shopping, St. Louis has plenty to offer the entire family. Minneapolis, Minnesota -- Approximate drive time from Kansas City = 6 hours Known for its parks and lakes, Minneapolis is home to many cultural landmarks, including the Walker ... read more


Road Trip Ideas