The term “spring cleaning” doesn’t just apply to our homes, but it also can be applied to our cars. Winter has taken a toll on our vehicles, so with spring just around the corner; it is the perfect time to spring clean your car, starting with the fluids.

If you are unsure about the last time a technician examined your vehicle’s fluids, we encourage you contacting us today to set up an appointment, regardless of the season. Our technicians are here to help ensure you start spring off right. Here are six fluids ready for a little spring cleaning:
- Hands down, oil is your most vital fluid. There are various components in your engine that are spinning constantly and quickly, and your engine oil keeps everything running smoothly.
- Coolant, as the name indicates, keeps your engine cool. Maintaining your coolant levels keep your vehicle from overheating.
- Before power steering, when you turned your steering wheel, it would feel incredibly heavy. However, with power steering, pressurized fluid makes turning the wheel effortless. To ensure you can drive safely and smoothly, it is essential to ensure your power steering system is up to par with the necessary fluids.
- Without properly working brakes, you can imagine what sort of dangerous situation you could be, and brake fluid is a necessary ingredient in brake safety.
- Transmission fluid is just like your oil fluid, except it lubricates the components in your transmission instead of your general engine oil.
- Windshield wipers may not affect the performance of your vehicle, but they do affect your safety. And after working extra hard during the winter months fighting off snow and rain to ensure your line of vision, your windshield wipers are definitely in need a little TLC.
Bring your car into I-70 Auto Service for an inspection today, and our technicians will carefully examine every fluid in your vehicle for any signs of trouble. The moral of the story is don’t forget about your car this spring, and bring your vehicle into our shop for spring cleaning!